What’s Happening


JMCC blooms with programs and daffodils

The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center, formerly known as Chevra T’helim, is a hidden treasure tucked in the heart of downtown Portsmouth, Va. Once an Orthodox Schul exemplifying Eastern European Jewish Orthodoxy, the Jewish Museum now offers many educational and...

What is happening in Israel??

Renowned Israel Journalist Gil Hoffman to speak at Temple Israel Sunday, February 12, 4 pm   After the fifth election in four years, Israeli politics is even more balagan than usual. There are 12 parties in the Knesset. Six are members of Benjamin “Bibi”...

Foundations of Jewish Family Living

Sundays, beginning February 26, 10:30–11:30 am Ohef Sholom Temple, Free   February 26: Creating Jewish Space  March 26: Living Beyond the Day-to-Day April 23: Birth of a Nation This four-class series offered as a partnership between United Jewish Federation of...

PJ Library in Tidewater’s Operation Hamantaschen

Sunday, March 5, 4 pm, Sandler Family Campus It’s nearly time for the annual Operation Hamantaschen at the Simon Family JCC. Come in costume, reserve a timeslot for your family and friends to make hamantaschen together, and enjoy Purim games and crafts while waiting...

B’nai Israel to host Rabbi Bentzion Shafier

Ann Zuckerman Memorial Scholar in Residence Weekend B’nai Israel to host Rabbi Bentzion Shafier Friday, March 3–Saturday, March 4 Now in its fourth year, the B’nai Israel Congregation Ann Zuckerman Memorial Scholar in Residence Weekend will feature Rabbi Bentzion...

On Assignment with Lahav Harkov in 2023

Thursday, February 2, 12 pm Want to be better informed about the world? United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Jewish Community Relations Council offers one solution to learning: Israel Today’s On Assignment with Lahav Harkov. Jerusalem Post’s senior contributing...

The Whole Body Reset with Heidi Skolnik

Wednesday, January 25, 12 pm Sandler Family Campus $12 (lunch included) • $6 for 55+ Gaining weight as one ages is not inevitable. It’s avoidable and even reversible. In fact, it’s possible to help stop—and even reverse—age-related weight gain and muscle loss. Heidi...

Dr. Al Munzer to speak at Yom Hashoah

Wednesday, April 27, 6:45 pm, Congregation Beth El In-person as well as live streamed on www.facebook.com/holcommission The annual community Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, will feature Dr. Al Munzer as the guest speaker. Munzer was hidden as a child in the...

Hope Richmond Ballet performs

Sunday, April 24, 4:30 pm, Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center, Virginia Wesleyan University It is in divine moments when I know for sure—art is an essential element of life. It is also in these moments I am reminded of the light from all the stars—the...

Simon Family JCC’s Annual Senior Seder is back

Tuesday, April 12, 12 pm, Sandler Family Campus The beloved annual model Passover Seder is open to all seniors in the Tidewater community. Chazzan David Proser of KBH Synagogue will lead participants in a fun, engaging, and abbreviated service followed by a delicious...

Unorthodox podcast to record live in Tidewater

Thursday, April 7, 7:30 pm, Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art What do actress Mayim Bialik, Great British Baking Show contestant Jürgen Krauss, Colorado Governor Jared Polis, and Presbyterian Pastor Henry Brinton have in common? They have all been guests of the...

Brith Sholom stays busy

Next meeting: Sunday, April 3 LeeAnne Mallory, administrative secretary of Brith Sholom, put it quite succinctly in the organization’s bulletin when she wrote, “This has been a hard time for all, but our Brith Sholom group has not stopped being a vital part of the...

Roie Galitz: Renowned photographer travels to the ends of the earth

Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 pm Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus and online Free Registration Required: JewishVA.org/IsraelToday Photography has allowed Roie Galitz to travel to the coldest climates on the planet where he has witnessed the starkest effects of global...

A new kind of Mah Jongg fundraiser

Janet Gordon Annual Mah Jongg Tournament Sunday, April 3 The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way nearly everything takes place at Beth Sholom Village—from food service to family visits, religious services, and even fundraising. BSV has hosted the Janet Gordon Annual...

Calling all bakers: Operation Hamantaschen

Sunday, March 13, 1–4 pm Sandler Family Campus, Free The delicious aroma of fresh baked goods is back this Purim season with the return of Operation Hamantaschen. Filled with assorted fruit jams or other sweet confections, these tasty triangular shaped cookies,...

Yom Ha’Atzmaut— Community Israel Festival

Sunday, May 1, 12–4 pm, Sandler Family Campus A community celebration of Israel presented by Avraham and Karen Ashkenazi, this year’s Ha’atzmaut will mark the Jewish nation’s 74 birthday. Fun for the entire family, the event is open to friends of all faiths. To get...

A new kind of Mah Jongg fundraiser

Janet Gordon Annual Mah Jongg Tournament: Sunday, April 3  The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way nearly everything takes place at Beth Sholom Village – from food service to family visits, religious services, and even fundraising. BSV has hosted the Janet Gordon...

It runs in the family—Yael Perlov

Ben-Gurion Epilogue Screening and discussion Sunday, February 27, 2:30 pm Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center at Virginia Wesleyan University Landis, Coppola, Reitman, and Reiner.What do all of these names have in common? Fans of movies or TV probably know....

A night with Joshua Jay: A rare glimpse into a truly secret world

Thursday, March 3, Simon Family JCC Joshua Jay, bestselling author of Magic and other books, has performed on stages in more than 100 countries. Next month, he’ll perform in Tidewater as a part of the Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family’s Jewish Book Festival. Magicians are...

A new kind of Mah Jongg fundraiser

Janet Gordon Annual Mah Jongg Day of play and Luncheon, Sunday, April 3 Beth Sholom Village plans to bring back the Janet Gordon Annual Mah Jongg event in April, with 100% of its proceeds directly benefiting BSV’s residents. As so many things have changed in the last...