Arts & Entertainment


Despite a snowy start, film fest goes off without a hitch

Despite a snowy start, film fest goes off without a hitch

The 32nd Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film overcame a chilly beginning to deliver a week of outstanding films and vibrant community spirit across Virginia Beach and Norfolk.After a strong start on Sunday, Feb.16 with the Israeli film, Running on Sand, the...

32nd Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

32nd Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

One of the nation’s longest-running Jewish film festivals, the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg, entertains, educates, and engages the Tidewater community by presenting world-class films, repertory cinema, and programs that...

That’s A Wrap: Jewish Book Festival 2024

That’s A Wrap: Jewish Book Festival 2024

Over six weeks, the 2024 Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival brought together bestselling authors, emerging voices, and an audience hungry for stories. The festival began with a look into history, as novelist Rachel Beanland transported attendees back...

Remembering those lost and honoring humanity

Remembering those lost and honoring humanity

On display May 6 - June 21, Leon Family Gallery, Sandler Family Campus To commemorate Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of acts of terror, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, the Leon Family Gallery at the Simon Family JCC...

It’s a Wrap: 2024 Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

It’s a Wrap: 2024 Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

The Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg wrapped up on Wednesday, Feb. 28. This year’s festival, which included five feature films in addition to a special event showcasing four Israeli short films, was attended by more than 600...

VAF: Bringing ballet to new audiences

VAF: Bringing ballet to new audiences

Thursday, March 7, 7:30 pm It promises to be a moving experience. More than 1,000 high school students will descend on Norfolk for the Regional High School Dance Festival this week. One of the thrilling highlights of that visit for these talented and highly motivated...

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film: Shorts, documentaries, and dramas

The lineup for the 31st Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg, includes shorts, documentaries, and dramas and takes place next month at various locations throughout Tidewater. The Festival begins on Sunday, Feb. 18, with a special...

31st Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

One of the nation’s longest-running Jewish film festivals, the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg, entertains, educates, and engages the Tidewater community by presenting world-class films, repertory cinema, and associated...

Blazing Saddles marks a half-century of hilarity — and controversy

Stephen Silver(JTA) — The phrase “that movie could never be made today” has probably been said more about Blazing Saddles than any other movie in history. Mel Brooks’ spoof of Hollywood Westerns is full of the N-word and racial and ethnic jokes, and gay stereotypes...

Rebecca Koltun’s art creates positivity, joy, and customers

Stephanie Peck Through MadebyMouth on Etsy, Rebecca Koltun has sold approximately 200 unique pieces of art. Etsy is an online site where sellers list their handmade items and buyers find something unique to purchase. It is also where Koltun’s stellar, 5-star reviews...

Germaine Clair, long-time Jewish News art director, retires

Terri Denison After 18 years, the April 3, 2023 issue was Germaine Clair’s last as art director for Jewish News. Germaine served as art director for the final Renewal magazine published by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater in the fall of 2004. By 2005, she was...

Jewish Book Festival off to a strong start

The 2022–2023 Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival began last month with three authors, each with unique stories for the Tidewater community. Dan Grunfeld, author of By the Grace of the Game: The Holocaust, a Basketball Legacy, and an Unprecedented...

Chabad of Tidewater’s Family Havdallah Glow Party a huge hit

  After Shabbat on Saturday, February 5, families from across Hampton Roads gathered in Chabad House to welcome the new week in style. Children and parents prepared for the Havdallah ceremony by decking themselves out in glow accessories of all kinds. The lights...