What’s Happening


On Assignment with Lahav Harkov in 2023

Thursday, January 5, 12 pm, online Earlier this month, Lahav Harkov joined the Jewish Community Relations Council for the monthly midday current affairs briefing. This time, the topic was an update on the coalition building taking place in the Knesset in Israel....

Drinks and Dreidels… an evening of adult Hanukkah fun

Tuesday, December 20, 6–9 pm Ohef Sholom Temple Enjoy drinks, dreidel tournaments, interfaith trivia, raffle baskets, live bands, and more! Ugly sweaters are encouraged for this evening of adult Hanukkah fun. Co-sponsored by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s...

We’re going to Israel this Purim! Want to come?

We’re going to Israel this Purim! Want to come?

March 1–9, 2023 After a COVID-driven moratorium, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is re-igniting its Missions Program for next March. Led by mission chairs Laura and Fred Gross, the trip will include an exciting “Purim in Tel Aviv” experience. Starting in...

Let’s end bias together

Jessica Nordell: Thursday, December 8, 7:30 pm, Sandler Family Campus   Several years ago, a Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities’ board member said that he hoped our organization would one day work ourselves out of business. The notion stuck with me—that...

Sunday Fun Day Festival of Lights

Sunday, December 11 1–4 pm Simon Family JCC PJ Library in Tidewater will present Sunday Fun Day Festival of Lights, a special Hanukkah extravaganza, one week before the start of the holiday. The afternoon will include a Hanukkah Glow in the Dark party and obstacle...

Lynda Cohen Loigman: The Matchmaker’s Gift

Tuesday, December 6, 12 pm Watch from Home—Virtual Is  finding true love a calling or a curse? In Lynda Cohen Loigman’s The Matchmaker’s Gift, Sara Glikman knows her gift as a child in 1910: she is a seeker of soulmates and a maker of matches. But among the...

Jai Chakrabarti: A Play for the End of the World

Tuesday, January 17, 12 pm Watch from Home—Virtual In Jai Chakrabarti’s A Play for the End of the World, Jaryk Smith, a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto, and Lucy Gardner, a southerner, newly arrived in New York City in 1972, are in the first bloom of love when they...

Workshop: Through the journey of your name

Monday, December 12, 12 pm, Simon Family JCC Inspired by the book, Malkah’s Notebook: A Journey into the Mystical Aleph Bet, this hands-on workshop will take participants on a mystical journey through the letters of their name when spelled in Hebrew. The workshop is...

Camp JCC Registration opens

Registration for Camp JCC Summer 2023 is now open for all sessions and age groups. The summer Camp JCC program, for children from rising pre-K through eighth graders, takes place June 20 to August 11, with a “last blast” program that follows. Special early bird...

Gardening, the ultimate metaphor for life with Meir Shalev

Sunday, November 21, 2 pm, online While Meir Shalev is not a household name in the United States, he is one of Israel’s most celebrated novelists. Shalev will join the community for an online conversation as part of the 11th annual Israel Today series in partnership...

Be A Reader program enters new territory

Brainstorming session: Monday, December 6 The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Be a Reader (BeAR) Literacy Program is refusing to hibernate this winter. Instead, it is roaring into new territory. BeAR will host a...

B’nai Israel plans 75th anniversary celebration

Friday, January 14 and Saturday, January 15 The Shabbos of January 14 and 15, B’nai Israel will celebrate the congregation’s 75th anniversary with a gala kiddush. B’nai Israel Congregation serves the Jewish community however possible. To help enhance this very special...

I Had a Brother Once, with Adam Mansbach

Wednesday, December 8, 7:30 pm Join Adam Mansbach, novelist, humorist, and poet, for his second visit to Tidewater as he shares excerpts from his new memoir, I Had a Brother Once. The event is presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish...

Turn parenting challenges into parenting opportunities

Sunday, November 14, 2 pm Sandler Family Campus and online Susan G. Groner—podcaster, author, and founder of The Parenting Mentor—will be at the Simon Family JCC for an interactive parenting workshop. Groner will share wisdom from her most recent book and coach...

My Wild Garden: Notes from a Writer’s Eden with Meir Shalev

Sunday, November 21, 2 pm, online Israeli native Meir Shalev, who has written multiple best sellers, translated into more than 20 languages, will discuss his newest book, My Wild Garden: Notes from a Writer’s Eden. A series of essays, Shalev explores his garden,...

OperaCNU presents world premiere of The Trial of God

Performances highlight Holocaust Reflections events November 4–7, Ferguson Center for the Arts, Free For the first time on an opera stage, OperaCNU will debut The Trial of God at Christopher Newport University’s Ferguson Center for the Arts next month. Commissioned by...

Israel Today: Visiting Israeli glass artist Dafna Kaffeman

Saturday, November 6, 7:30 pm, Chrysler Museum’s Perry Glass Studio The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, Embassy of Israel and Community Partners’ 11th Annual Israel Today, along with the Chrysler...

If You Thirst for a Homeland: Flame-worked glass by Dafna Kaffeman

Saturday, November 6, 7:30 pm, Perry Glass Studio or via Zoom https://chrysler.org/event/visiting-artist-lecture-with-dafna-kaffeman/ Currently on display at the Chrysler Museum of Art, Dafna Kaffeman’s exhibit of exquisitely crafted plant replicas express the...

Unpacking Antisemitism: An Action Based Workshop with Dara Horn

Sunday, October 17, 6 pm, Zoom Free, open to the community, pre-registration required at JewishVA.org/UnpackingAntisemitism Join the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Jewish Community Relations Council and the Konikoff Center for Learning, along with the Old...

Dara Horn explores today’s antisemitism at ODU Workshop

Unpacking Antisemitism: An Action Based Workshop Sunday, October 17, 1 pm Free, open to community, limited space, pre-registration required JewishVA.org/UnpackingAntisemitism United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Jewish Community Relations Council and Konikoff...

Lady Day at Emerson’s recalls Billie Holiday

October 29–31, Attucks Theater Set in 1959 in a seedy bar in Philadelphia, Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill is a re-creation of one of Billie Holiday’s last performances, featuring more than a dozen musical numbers—including such classics as Strange Fruit, God...


The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, invites the community to these events with the Robert Nusbaum Center at Virginia Wesleyan University. For more information visit https://www.vwu.edu/academics/robert-nusbaum-center/....

Sababa in the Sukkah

Sunday, September 26, 5:30–7:30 pm Join the Sababa Social Club and the In[HEIR]itance Project in the Sandler Family Campus Sukkah for an introductory artistic salon that examines the history and lived experiences of the people of Hampton Roads in relationship to the...